Forest of Wonders End Sheet Map
This map of the land of Obsidia was illustrated for the novel "Forest of Wonders"; book one of Newbery Medal–winning author Linda Sue Park's "Wing & Claw" trilogy. Published by HarperCollins.

Burning Glass End-Sheet Map
This fantasy world map showing the land of Riaznin and its surroundings was created for the book "Burning Glass", written by Kathryn Purdie and published by HarperCollins.

Ashes of the Tyrant End Sheet Map
A draconic flavored map created to accompany Erin M. Evin's novel "Ashes or the Tyrant". Set in the Forgotten Realms, this fifth book of her popular "Brimstone Angels" series was published by Wizards of the Coast.
© Wizards of the Coast

Mademoiselle Geraldine's Floating Dirigible
This cutaway view of a massive steam powered airship was created for the novel "Manners and Mutiny"; the grande finale to Gail Carriger's New York Times bestselling "Finishing School" series. Published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

Pieces and Players End-Sheet Map
This map of Chicago focuses on locations mentioned in the book "Pieces and Players", written by Blue Balliett and published by Scholastic Press.

Dauntless Compound
An end-sheet map of the subterranean headquarters of the Dauntless faction; created for the collector's edition of the novel Divergent by NY Times bestselling author Veronica Roth. Published by HarperCollins.
© Veronica Roth

Payton LivingCenter
This end-sheet map of an adult living center was created for the novel "Best Boy" by Eli Gottlieb; published by W. W. Norton.

This end-sheet map of the city of Saryenia was created for Kate Elliott's fantasy novel "Court of Fives"; published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

Madman of Piney Woods Map
An end-sheet map spread created for the children's novel "Madman of Piney Woods" by bestselling Newbery Medalist Christopher Paul Curtis; published by Scholastic.

This end-sheet map of the land of Lahnt created for the young adult fantasy novel "Stolen Magic" by Newbery Honor author Gail Carson Levine; published by HarperCollins.

The City of Belisaere
An end-sheet map of the metropolis of Belisaere; created for Garth Nix's fantasy novel "Clariel" and published by HarperCollins.

Map of Faerun
A world map of Faerun; created for the Forgotten Realms book series "The Sundering", published by Wizards of the Coast.
© Wizards of the Coast

Zoo at the Edge of the World
An end-sheet map created for the middle-grade adventure novel "Zoo at the Edge of the World" written by Eric Kahn Gale and published by HarperCollins.

Wings of Fire Map
A dragon themed world map created for the book "Wings of Fire" by Tui T. Sutherland. Published by Scholastic Books.

Dragon Run Map
An end-sheet map created for the book "Dragon Run" by Pat Matthews. Published by Scholastic Books.

Map of Gerse
Created for the fantasy novel "Liar's Moon" by Elizabeth Bunce; published by Scholastic Books.

Map of Llyvraneth
Created for the fantasy novel "Star Crossed" by Elizabeth Bunce; published by Scholastic Books.

Map of Lawton Square
Created for "The Mastermind Plot: A Suzanna Snow Mystery" by Angie Frasier, published by Scholastic Books.

The Midnight Tunnel Map
Created for "The Midnight Tunnel: A Suzanna Snow Mystery" by Angie Frasier; published by Scholastic Books.